Director Elections
Each year, your vote in our Board of Directors election is your voice in your cooperative, a chance to have a say on leaders who will represent you and your interests. Elected directors serve three-year terms and are elected at the Annual Meeting. In 2025, Randolph EMC members will elect Directors representing Districts 1, 3, and 6.
In an uncontested election, registered members attending the Annual Meeting will elect the sitting Directors by acclamation. The board made this decision to save money on unnecessarily distributing ballots for an uncontested election.
In a contested election, the Credentials & Election Committee will work directly with an independent third party to the election in advance of the Annual Meeting. Ballots will be distributed via mail and email and will include a voting deadline to announce results at the Annual Meeting. Voting procedures will also be shared in Watts Working and on this webpage.

Nomination Process
Members are nominated as director candidates in one of two ways: 1) by the Nominating Committee or 2) by Member Petition
The Nominating Committees' meeting date will be announced in February.
If seeking nomination through the Nominating Committee, all completed required documentation must be submitted to Randolph EMC prior to the committees' meetings.
If seeking nomination through Member Petition, all completed required documentation and the original petition must be delivered by hand to either Randolph EMC office by the petition deadline.
Election Process
A contested Randolph EMC Board of Directors Election is independently administered by Survey and Ballot Systems (SBS). SBS is an independent third-party vendor that provides a highly secure voting process. SBS has helped plan and manage cooperative elections for nearly 30 years, helping to establish the standard for accurate and certified election results across the industry. For more information on the independent administration of the Randolph EMC Board of Directors Election, please visit Survey and Ballot Systems at
The Credentials and Election Committee certifies the Randolph EMC Board of Directors Election results and makes the final decision concerning any election-related issues. The Cooperative’s Nominating Committees and Credentials and Election Committee is listed in the Watts Working newsletter each year. More information about these committees is available in the Cooperative’s Bylaws.
Required Documentation for Seeking Nomination for the Randolph EMC Board of Directors
Directors for Districts 1, 3, and 6 will be elected in 2025
Member Petition |